Eččijä löydäy, ajaja tabuau / Ищущий найдёт, преследующий догонит
Какие-то у меня не те ассоциации. Барочно-фривольный banter в каноническом тексте?
«Elita One practically spat as she peered out from behind a large cleaning chemical vat. “Oh, you think you are sooo clever!”
“Come again?”
“You knew I vas there, lining up my shot, you had to ruin it, didn’t you.”
Blitzwing vaguely remembered something about Elita One being an expert sniper. “Ok… sure. If it makes you happy, I did that.”
“Oh, vell, I try again, I suppose.”
As soon as Elita One lifted her gun, Blitzwing reassumed his robot mode. Even as he shifted, he was raising his blaster, but the only thing to come from the barrel was a rather sad burst of foam.
Elita One smiled viciously. “Oh dahling, don’t worry, it happens to everyone sometime.” She raised her twin-cannon, leveling it at Blitzwing’s face.
“Fortunately for you, it’ll only happen once.”»
(Blitzwing Bop, SG)
«Elita One practically spat as she peered out from behind a large cleaning chemical vat. “Oh, you think you are sooo clever!”
“Come again?”
“You knew I vas there, lining up my shot, you had to ruin it, didn’t you.”
Blitzwing vaguely remembered something about Elita One being an expert sniper. “Ok… sure. If it makes you happy, I did that.”
“Oh, vell, I try again, I suppose.”
As soon as Elita One lifted her gun, Blitzwing reassumed his robot mode. Even as he shifted, he was raising his blaster, but the only thing to come from the barrel was a rather sad burst of foam.
Elita One smiled viciously. “Oh dahling, don’t worry, it happens to everyone sometime.” She raised her twin-cannon, leveling it at Blitzwing’s face.
“Fortunately for you, it’ll only happen once.”»
(Blitzwing Bop, SG)
Тут сама вселенная такая - ироническая. ))
Кстати, eye in the sky не возьмете? Я бы тогда попробовала насесть на do over и тогда к фесту будет полная линейка.
Когда он просит "if you’d take over for a moment.”? ))
Eye in the Sky могу взять, да.